Appartamenti Grabovac
House Sara Plitvice lakes
Tipo: Appartamenti
16 letto
Appartamenti, Grabovac
Luogo: Grabovac
The house Sara is situated in village Grabovac, by the main road D1, only 6km from the National park Plitvice Lakes
… maggiori ». We offer 3 apartments and 5 rooms. The house is surrounded by large terrace, parking in front of the house.
Prezzo medio per letto circa
18 EUR
House Vuković
Tipo: Appartamenti
5 letto
Appartamenti, Grabovac
Luogo: Grabovac
Our house is situated near the Plitvice Lakes. We offer 5 double rooms, each with bathroom/WC and TV/sat. In front
… maggiori » of the house there is a courtyard where guests can relax and a large parking. Near restaurant with a good offer.
Prezzo medio per letto circa
15 EUR
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