Appartamenti Janjina
Apartments Peljesac
Tipo: Appartamenti
Appartamenti, Blaževo
Luogo: Blaževo
4 apartments with ***. Each apartment has 2 rooms with 4 beds. 4x luxuriously equipped kitchen, air conditioning
… maggiori », 4x balcony with sea view. There is a gril in front of the house. WiFi Internet. Half a liter of wine per apartment, tasting travarica and fish specialties.
Prezzo medio per letto circa
15 EUR
Villa Šunj
Tipo: Appartamenti
12 letto
Appartamenti, Drače
Luogo: Drače
Exclusive apartment by the sea. Apartments Šunj is a great place for an idyllic holiday with family
The database Appartamenti Janjina contains direct contacts to owners of accommodation. Reservations are passed without any middleman and commission!
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