Autocampeggi Quarnero, Croazia
The database Autocampeggi Quarnero contains direct contacts to owners of accommodation. Reservations are passed without any middleman and commission!
Mobile homes Camp Klenovica
Tipo: Autocampeggio
Autocampeggio, Klenovica
Luogo: Klenovica
The camp is placed very close to the sea and it has a pebble beach where you can enjoy a variety of water sports
… maggiori » activities. We offer accommodation in mobile homes 24m2-38m2, fully equipped, adapted for your holiday in nature, air conditioned. They have a beautiful panoramic view of the Kvarner Bay.
Prezzo medio per letto circa
35 EUR
Tipo: Autocampeggio
Autocampeggio, Sveti Juraj
Luogo: Sveti Juraj
Camp right on the Adriatic coast. The camp has its own beach with crystal clear water and a beautiful view of the
… maggiori » sunset. The camp also offers 4 apartments and 2 mobile homes. Enjoy our restaurant with quality cuisine and relax with your favourite drink.
Serveri Češke planine, Slovačke planine, Hrvatske planine, otoci i obala, i prezentiraju više od 17 000 smještajnih objekata.
Naše servere u sezoni svaki dan posjecuje50 000 korisnika. Pridružite nam se! Dodati smještajni objekt (HR)
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