Case vacanze Perići

Mala Vila Rebeka
Casa vacanze, Perići
Mala Vila Rebeka
Tipo:Casa vacanze
Luogo: Perići
The wooden house in a small village on a hill surrounded by fragrant nature, is built and equipped with a lot of maggiori » effort and love. It is completely wooden, equipped with modern style wooden furniture with emphasis on comfort and intimacy.
8 letto
su richiesta
8 letto
su richiesta
Prezzo medio per letto circa 35 EUR
The database Case vacanze Perići contains direct contacts to owners of accommodation. Reservations are passed without any middleman and commission!
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Naše servere u sezoni svaki dan posjecuje 50 000 korisnika. Pridružite nam se!Dodati smještajni objekt (HR)