Hotel Dalmazia, Croazia
The database Hotel Dalmazia contains direct contacts to owners of accommodation. Reservations are passed without any middleman and commission!
Tipo: Hotel
Hotel, Povljana
Luogo: Povljana
Guesthouse, restaurant for guests, outdoor heated swimming pool, situated 10m from the sea.
Prezzo medio per letto circa
25 EUR
Hotel Timun
Tipo: Hotel
38 letto
Hotel, Pokrivenik
Luogo: Pokrivenik
Hotel Timun offers 14 accommodation units that meet the needs of all tourists. The hotel is located in the quiet
… maggiori » Pokrivenik bay on the Hvar island. The hotel is situated only 5 minutes by boat from the beautiful pebbly public beach Veliki Pokrivenik, guests can use the hotel shuttle to/from beach.
Prezzo medio per letto circa
36 EUR
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