Allogio con cane Grebaštica
Trascorri una vacanza in Grebaštica indimenticabile con il cane. Il tuo amico a quattro zampe lo apprezzerà sicuramente.
Apartments MARTIN
Tipo: Appartamenti
12 letto
su richiesta
Appartamenti, Grebaštica, Šparadići
Luogo: Grebaštica, Šparadići
House for rent for 12 persons, 7m from the sea in the quiet tourist town of Šparadići. The house has three apartments
… maggiori » for 4 persons with spacious terraces over the sea. Large common terrace with barbecue under the shade of vines, sunbeds and umbrellas on the beach, boat mooring.
Prezzo medio per letto circa
25 EUR
Apartments Dragica Blaće
Tipo: Appartamenti
8 letto
su richiesta
Appartamenti, Grebaštica, Šparadići
Luogo: Grebaštica, Šparadići
House with two apartments in the resort Sparadici (Grebastica), 18km southeast of Sibenik towards Primosten. The
… maggiori » apartments are located just a few meters from the sea and beach. Each apartment has two bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and terrace with sea-view. Three parking places in front of the house.
Prezzo medio per letto circa
30 EUR
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